Korea-a look beyond the travel brochures

Insights from my life in South Korea; an expat perspective

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Welcome to The Korea Chronicle..

This blog is a journal of the many extraordinary experiences from our expat experience in Seoul, South Korea. My husband’s work took him there so I had the opportunity to spend my time exploring the country, language and culture. We have recently returned to the United States, but I remain smitten by this fascinating place. The ancient culture and structures are so interesting to someone whose country is only a little over two hundred years old. I loved learning about the ancient struggles and it helped me to understand modern Korea more. There is a popular expression- Korea, where the past is always present. This is wonderfully true. The ancient customs still have a major impact on the present day culture.
So the main focus of this blog is to foster cross cultural understanding. Many American people have no idea of what Korea is really like. Their only concept is from the reruns of the popular television show; M.A.S.H. which doesn’t begin to depict the true Korea. So I would like to share my experiences and invite others to share their insights as well. While I am not saying that living in Korea is not without its challenges my purpose is to share the endearing stories from my experiences with the Korean people.
I think they are the true National Treasure number one.
I am not a cultural expert, but I learned a lot during my time there. The Korean people areproud of their country and their culture. I am very grateful to the many Koreans who were such gracious hosts during my time in their country
Tae Han Min Kuk



Anonymous said...

HI Cindy! You look great in that Hanbok! I still have never put one of those on. I should go do that. We just found out we will stay until March 2010. I saw you in one of my pictures from when we did Hello Friends together. We were eating lunch in a Korean elementary school cafeteria. Good memories. Glad to see you are well.

Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to following your blog Cindy......it will remind me of when we were there too. Mary Richardson

Unknown said...

Nice job cindy this Blog is awesome!!!

Anonymous said...

This blog is very informative and really gives me some insight to the upcoming trip I will be taking with my sister!!! You took great care in the photo's and the explanations.

Anonymous said...

I know next to nothing about Korea or its people. Your personal comments really bring it alive. Great blog.Thanks so much for sharing.

Anonymous said...

This was a great Blog to explain to people who know nothing about Korea, like me, what it is like. I never even thought it would be a place I would visit, but now I think I would. Thanks for opening my eyes!

Anonymous said...

Cindy, Seems like you are a natural. Korea should hire you to be their PR consultant. I enjoy every article.

Keep on truckin

Uncle Gary

Unknown said...

It is interesting to learn Korea from this site. I like to see more photos.

Anonymous said...

Great writer. I love readig your blog and would love to visit Korea some day.

Elaine Hassett